JICA “Project for Capacity Development of Yezin Agricultural University”

Agriculture is an important sector in Myanmar, accounting for 36 percent of the country’s GDP (2012). Yezin Agricultural University (YAU) is the only university in Myanmar with a single department of agriculture, which trains agricultural technicians and researchers for the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the private sector. However, YAU lacks facilities, and its faculty members lack experience in practical education and research guidance based on the needs of the agricultural sector. In this cooperation, in collaboration with Japan’s grant aid, YAU has provided support to improve the facilities and equipment that are lacking at YAU, as well as to improve the organizational and administrative structure to promote education and research, and to improve the research capabilities of the faculty members. Our institute accepted YAU faculty members as trainees and provided them with training in Japanese agriculture, biochemical analysis techniques, and research data visualization methods.